HART 3140-2 Insert with Misc Holes for 9140


Insert with Misc Holes for 9140

  • Product #

    HAR 3140-2

  • Quantity in Stock

    On Order

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The HART 3140-2 Insert A with Miscellaneous Holes is a versatile accessory designed for use with the HART 9140 Temperature Controller. This insert features a range of pre-drilled holes of various sizes and configurations, allowing users to customize their setup according to specific requirements.

Ideal for accommodating different types of probes, sensors, or accessories, the HART 3140-2 Insert A offers flexibility and convenience in temperature control applications. Its durable construction ensures reliable performance and long-term durability, even in demanding industrial environments.

With easy installation and compatibility with the HART 9140 Temperature Controller, this insert provides users with a convenient solution for configuring their temperature control systems to meet their unique needs.